You may not be able to find Yerucham when you first look at a map of Israel, but investors should look out for this fast-growing southern city between Beer Sheva and Eilat.
The development of the Negev region is one of Israel’s most exciting stories; the dreams of David Ben Gurion are fast becoming a reality. As described in our description of Be’er Sheva, the Israel Defence Forces are relocating their main operational and training bases to this area. Yerucham is one of the towns that stands to benefit most from increased employment opportunities in Ir Badim—the huge new “training city” that will be located just 10 minutes’ drive away. The Ministry of Defence is encouraging its officers to relocate to the area and an area has already been designated for the construction of villas for “top-brass” military families.
It is estimated that the population of Yeruham will increase by 1,000 residents every year over the next ten years. New neighborhoods are being planned and constructed. The homes being built in Yerucham cost considerably less than those in the center of the country and even in Be’er Sheva, making this an attractive town for young families who do not need to live in more expensive locations. Some companies in the region offer their employees higher salaries as an incentive to relocate to the Negev. There are also state benefits such as a discount of 19% on income tax for residents of Yerucham.
Yeruham was established in 1951 and, until the 1990s, the majority of its residents came from North African communities, with some from India and Persia. Today they have been joined by European and North American Olim and other Israelis and the town has a strong multi-cultural flavour, with a spirit of idealism and dedication.
The town has a strong traditional religious atmosphere, with a choice of over 25 synagogues.
Developed by the town’s different cultural communities, including Moroccan, Persian, Indian, Bukharian, and Ashkenazi. Along with a good range of schools, the town’s Yeshivat Hesder is a focus for Torah learning within the town’s religious community, and there is also a Haredi Kollel. The vibrant Garin Torani—a group of young religious couples—has brought a new dynamic into the community.
With its small town atmosphere, Yerucham conveys a sense of safety and security. It has one central main street where many of the shops, restaurants, and services are located. 70 million NIS is being invested in a new shopping mall, and a hotel is being built to attract tourists to its parks, scenic and historical sites, and to take advantage of its proximity to the desert and the craters, which are popular with hikers.
Yerucham is a 30 minute drive or bus ride to Be’er Sheva and a 1.5 hour drive to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Public transportation to Be’er Sheva and other Negev cities is frequent and regular. There are regular trains from Be’er Sheva to Tel Aviv, and there is talk of extending this line to Eilat and connecting Yerucham to the network.
Growing employment opportunities and an excellent transport infrastructure are putting Yerucham on the map. To find out more about exciting property investment opportunities in Yerucham, contact Lisette at Prime Property Israel.